Our Capacity..
If you have any questions, please contact us.

  • Wire Forms with
    Ground Points
Automatic Forming from 0.025 to 0.080 diameter wire,
max. length of 6 inches
  • Wire Capacity
Automatic Forming from 0.025 to 0.187 diameter wire,
max. length of 26 inches
  • Strip Capacity
Automatic Forming, max. width of 2 inches,
max. length of 15 inches
  • Straighten & Cut
Max. diameter of 0.187 inches, lengths up to 26 inches
High Volume for 0.020-0.092 diameter up to 6 inches in length.
  • Materials
Hi and Low Carbon Steels, Brass, Aluminum, Stainless Steel,
Nickel and Nickel Alloys, Copper, Lead, Precoated and
Galvanized Wire.
  • Finish
Anodizing, Brass, Cadmium, Chromates, Chromes, Nickel, Zinc,
and Zinc Chromates
  • Tooling
Our complete in plant tool facility gives us the versatility required for
custom work and quick service.


PO Box 248
Route 110
Chelsea, Vermont

802-889-3200 voice
802-889-3258 fax
